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naspi front view
naspi rear view
naspi layering diagram
naspi V2.0 Internal view
naspi V1.3 Internal view
X823-A3 metal bracket and PWM fan
X823 V1.3 SATA Storage Shield
X823 V1.5 SATA Storage Shield
X-C1 v2.0 Adapter Board
X-C1 v1.3 Adapter Board
NASPi V2.0 Packing List


Click GEEKWORM NAS Family to know more.

Update History

On April 28th 2022, NASPi is updated to NASPi V2.0(New add Auto Power On function, and only the X-C1 adapter shield was upgraded from V1.3 to V2.0 version)

Note: Due to the different arrival times of products on each platform, please refer to the platform information for the purchased version.

  • Add Auto Power On Function (Automatically turn on when there is a power supply)
  • Add FAN FS jumper to control the PWM fan; Because we found that there are some beginners who don't know how to install the script to make the PWM fan run, or the installation script doesn't support 3rd party OS, at this time, you just need to remove the FAN FS jumper, the PWM fan will run at full speed.
  • Remove the 4-Pin connector for external power switch

On August 17th 2021, the X823 board in NASPi has been updated from V1.3 to V1.5 version.

X823 V1.5 added 4pcs test pins so that RPi 4 and X823 V1.5 power each other via test pins, so 2pin power wire is no longer needed in X823 1.5, (But if you get X823 V1.3 version, you still need to connnect 2pin power cable from X-C1 to X823 V1.3, and X813 V1.3 is sold out.)

On 28th July 2021, We added one backup acrylic front panel to help improve WiFi signal.

But acrylic material is fragile, be careful for the installation. According to our test 2.4G WIFI is usable. But 5GHz WIFI networks will be more stable. So strongly recommend to use 5GHz WIFI networks or Ethernet. Refer to 5G WIFI test video; The wireless keyboard we tested usable is logitech K520.

Difference between NASPi & NASPi-Lite

On Oct., 18th 2021, we released NASPi Lite, which is a simplified version of NASPi.

On March 30th, we also launched a larger storage solution NASPi Gemini 2.5, which supports dual 2.5" sata hdd/ssd working at the same time.

What's the difference between NASPi and NASPi Lite?

NASPi & NASPi-Lite Compare NASPi V2.0 & NASPi-Lite Compare


NASPi is a NUC-style NAS storage solution based on the latest Raspberry Pi 4. It supports 2.5-inch sata HDD/SSD. All the Raspberry Pi 4 interfaces are adjusted to the back through the X-C1 adapter board, build in software safety shutdown function, using PWM fan can dynamically adjust the speed of the fan according to the temperature of the CPU, the shell is made of all aluminum alloy, CNC processing method, surface anodizing treatment.

NASPi adopts modular design, and NASPi is composed of three parts: X823 storage shield, X-C1 adapter board, heat dissipation system(include X823-A3 metal fan bracket and 4010 PWM fan), and they will be packed into a ALU-case to get a complete NASPi;

  • X823 provides 2.5 inch HDD/SSD storage function(UASP supported);
  • X-C1 provides power management, interface adapter and safe shutdown function, new add Auto Power On and Fan Control in Version 2.0.
  • For the heat dissipation system, we chose a relatively simple and practical heat dissipation solution: a custom metal bracket and a PWM fan to achieve it. in fact, you can use P165-B passive cooling heatsink to get same function, but maybe P165-B will have a slight impact on WIFI.

NASPi's Story


  • NUC style set-top box, compact design
  • All aluminum alloy chassis
  • UASP supported only for Raspberry Pi 4, does not support TRIM
  • Support software safe shutdown (this function is from X-C1 shield)
  • With PWM Silent fan, The fan speed will be automatically adjusted according to the CPU temperature, you can also modify the script yourself
  • On-board blue light button switch on X-C1, and X-C1 supports external 4-pin switch also
  • Press button switch to turn on
  • Press button switch and hold for 1~2 seconds to reboot
  • Press button switch and hold for 3 seconds to implement safe shutdown
  • Press button switch and hold for more than 8 seconds to force shutdown
  • Support auto power on function for NASPi V2.0 Only(NASPi with X-C1 V1.3 adapter does not support auto power on)
  • Support Max. 9.8mm thickness 2.5" HDD/SSD, you can choose 7mm or 9.5mm thickness HDD/SSD.

X-C1 V1.3&V2.0 Shield GPIO Used

Rpi GPIO Description Note
4 Power management 3.3V
17 Power management 3.3V
27 Power management 3.3V
18 for PWM fan 3.3V


How to Power

Power supply: 5Vdc +/-5% , ≥4A (Via Type-C Port of X-C1)

We recommend that you use our 20W 5V 4A Type-C power adapter USB C PSU, and we also sell it in our Geekworm Amazon store

Warning about power supply:

  1. Don't use that adjustable voltage power supply.
  2. Don't use the same power supply used on LED strips.

These power supplies are of poor quality and are not suitable for the NASPi series

User Manual

Installation Video

For NASPi Kit with X823 V1.5(RPi4+X823 V1.5+X-C1 V1.3/V2.0):

How to Install Script

Refer to how to install the shell script, and this script is required to install to enable PWM fan runs and safe shutdown function.

Some tutorials

Some Tips


Stress test

This is stree test tool, you can refer to Naspi stress test. You can run this tool to check the thermal capability of NASPi

Other video

Packing List

  • 1 x NASPi alu case
  • 1 X X823 Shield
  • 1 x X-C1 adapter board
  • 1 x X823-A3 metal bracket with PWM fan
  • Scews pack accessories;


Q: How to disable the LED light of the Button switch?
How to disable the LED light of the Button switch
Q. Why the SSD cannot start or is very slow? A: If you have a Raspberry Pi 4 and are getting bad speeds transferring data to/from USB3.0 SSDs, read this
Q. Will the Alu case affect the WIFI? A. There is nothing reliable than wired Ethernet, so it's better to use it.
As our test, 2.4G WIFI AP was usable. But different Raspberry Pi individuals have different degrees of WIFI interference. As well as aluminum alloy case will interfere with pi 4’s WIFI to a certain extent. So it is strongly recommend to use Ethernet or 5G AP. You can refer to video test of 5G WIFI AP:
Q. What is the thickness of a 2.5" HDD/SSD that can be accommodated? A. The thickness of 2.5" HDD/SSD on the market is generally 7mm, 9.5mm, 12.5 and 15mm,You only can choose 7mm or 9.5mm thickness HDD/SSD, NASPi is not compatible with 12.5mm and 15mm thickness 2.5" HDD/SSD.The thickness of 2.5" HDD/SSD should not exceed 9.8mm. In fact, most 2.5" HDD/SSD on the market are only 7mm thick.
Q. How to make the PWM cooling fan running? A. You will need to install the shell script to make the cooling fan run, please refer to: X-C1_Software
We can manually run the following commands:
sudo python /home/pi/x-c1/ &
sudo python3 /home/pi/x-c1/ &
Then the pwm fan will start working.
Q. How to find and use the Raspberry Pi 4 5G wifi? A. Please refer to: Raspberry pi 4 can't find 5ghz wifi
Q. Does the PWM cooling fan running or not? A. 1. The fan is very silent, and it is not easy to hear the sound of the fan;
2. The fan is a PWM fan which dynamically adjusts the speed according to the temperature of the CPU. If the temperature of the CPU is low, the speed of the fan is extremely low, and it is not easy to hear the sound of the fan;
3. Only when the CPU temperature reaches 65 degrees or more, the fan will run at full speed, and you may be able to hear the sound of the fan;
4. The fan is controlled by the PWM signal. The fan will only run after the ‘python /home/pi/x-c1/’ command runs successfully; you can run the following command to check whether the fan is running; sudo jobs
Q. What is the read/write performance when used as a NAS? A. The read and write performance is determined by the speed of the Raspberry Pi’s USB 3 bus and SSD. It should be noted that the Raspberry Pi’s USB3 bandwidth is only 3Gbps. Normally, the R/W speed is about 300MB/S.
Q. Does the NASPi support PoE? A. According to the customer feedback(based on 2021-05-07-raspios-buster-arm64-lite), the NASPi is OK to use with PoE splitter, but make sure to use high quality PoE splitter, or the power maybe not enough to power the NASPi kit.
Q. Can the PWM fan in NASPi be replaced by other fan like noctua 5v 40mm 3-pin pwm fan? A. Please refer to the below photo of the fan port interface definition of X-C1 adapter:
red cable = 5V
black cable = GND
yellow cable = for PWM signal

X-C1 Fan

Q. Does the NASPi support SATA III? A. Yes, it support SATA III, also support SATA I, SATA II.
Q. What to do if HDD/SSD is not recognized? A. Please refer to How to View/Partition/Format/Mount HDD/SSD
Q. Does the NASPi support add RTC module? A. Sorry, no, the NASPi does not support add RTC module.
Q. How to enable fan temperature control? A. This setting is based on the latest Raspberry Pi OS ONLY. Run the command: sudo raspi-config and navigate to Performance Options to set the Fan Temperature. The fan speed is not adjustable.
Q. What SSD is not supported? A. 4TB SAMSUNG SSD is not supported according to the customer feedback. The NASPi can support 4TB HDD.

Collect Feedback

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Anonymous user #31

7 months ago
Score 0++
Will there be rpi5 version with a pcie FPC connection with in case?


7 months ago
Score 0++
Hello,friend; rpi5 version 2.5" SATA HDD board: please refer to X1100, X1100#Matching_Case

Anonymous user #30

11 months ago
Score 0++

Topic fan script: I had to add LC_ALL=C in the 3rd line

else I got "/usr/local/bin/ Zeile 184: printf: 38.46: Ungültige Zahl." all over the system log. Locale was german, and german's number format has a "," instead of "."

Anonymous user #30

11 months ago
Score 0++

Topic RTC: I added [pi4] dtoverlay=i2c6,pins_22_23 dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,ds3231=on,i2c6

to /boot/config.txt and connected the RTC with jumper wires to GPIO 22 and 23 (and 3.3/GND of course). The little RTC-Module found it's place inside the case near the GPIO input header and jumpers. Works fine!

Anonymous user #29

11 months ago
Score 0++
The "xoff" command has stopped working from the terminal. Any solution?

Anonymous user #23

16 months ago
Score 0++
Hi, do you have any information about compatibility (I mean the necessary scripts) with OS Moode audio? Thanks

Anonymous user #28

29 months ago
Score 0++

I have successfully upgraded my stock fan to a more silent Noctua one. While out of the case the fan is really quiet and works as expected, when I fit the case and power on the noise is no different to the stock fan.

Any suggestions? Are there not enough vent holes?


29 months ago
Score 0++

Hi, Thanks for your feedback.

The NASPi's fan is also a silent fan. We think it is the case that there are not enough ventilation holes, we will increase the fan holes in the next version to improve this problem.

Anonymous user #27

29 months ago
Score 0++
I've bought a Noctua 40x10mm non-PWM fan and it looks like I need to make some cable modifications as the connector block on the Noctua won't fit the onboard connector on my X-C1 v2.0. I have a 3 to 2 pin adapter cable that came with my fan. Can the onboard 5V connector be used to power the new fan instead of having to cut cables?


29 months ago
Score 0++


Yes, you can contact it to 5V OUT with a 2pin cable.

Anonymous user #26

30 months ago
Score 0++
Hi I want to use ESP8266 with this setup but require pins 1,3,5,8 and 10 on the GPIO. Is this possible?


30 months ago
Score 0++


You can use GPIO pins other than X-C1 GPIO Use: 4,17,27,18. But we haven't tested if the Naspi case supports the ESP8266.

Anonymous user #25

30 months ago
Score 0++
Hi, if I modyfy the file FAN.PY, when it will be reloaded and executed with my updates? Thanks

Anonymous user #24

32 months ago
Score 0++
Everything works well if the naspi top cover is open... the moment I close the case with the 4 screws, wifi stops working and the disk start to throw errors. What can I do?

Anonymous user #24

32 months ago
Score 0++

THis is the error:

Aug 02 11:17:33 raspberrypi udisksd[496]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.UDisks2 on the system message bus Aug 02 11:17:33 raspberrypi udisksd[496]: Error probing device: Error sending ATA command IDENTIFY DEVICE to '/dev/sda': Unexpected sense data returned: 0000: 70 00 01 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 1d 00 00 p............... 0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ (g-io-error-quark, 0) Aug 02 11:17:33 raspberrypi udisksd[496]: Error probing device: Error sending ATA command IDENTIFY DEVICE to '/dev/sdb': Unexpected sense data returned: 0000: 70 00 01 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 1d 00 00 p............... 0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

(g-io-error-quark, 0)

Anonymous user #24

32 months ago
Score 0++
I'm using an usbc cable to power it up, connected to the naspi as specified.


32 months ago
Score 0++


You can also use the spare acrylic sheet to replace the front panel of the case to reduce interference to WIFI

Anonymous user #23

32 months ago
Score 0++

Hi, the GPIO cable can power raspberry pi? I mean, if I don't use X823 shield, X-C1 can power raspberry via GPIO cable?



32 months ago
Score 0++


Yes,X-C1 can power Pi4 via GPIO cable.

Anonymous user #22

35 months ago
Score 0++

sometimes when I touch the case, I didnt push power button, naspi turned on. also when I plug in usb memory, naspi turned on.

let me know how to insulate it.


35 months ago
Score 0++


1.Remove the metal case and test whether it is easy to automatically turn on.

2. Please check if the type c, hdmi port, etc. are aligned? try to adjust the angle slightly.

3. Check if the GPIO cable is firmly inserted

Anonymous user #21

35 months ago
Score 0++
So if we cant add xoff to crontab how can we perform a timed shutdown ?


35 months ago
Score 0++


If you want to perform a timed shutdown, you can add xoff to crontab. But we haven't tested it this way, you can re-debug it. Thanks~

Anonymous user #21

35 months ago
Score 0++

I managed to get it working by adding 30 21 * * * sudo /usr/local/bin/

to the crontab for use pi

Anonymous user #20

35 months ago
Score 0++

I want to add xoff to crontab but it doesn't work

crontab -e ________________ 12 0 0 0 /home/pi/xoff _________________

please let me know how to add xoff to crontab.




35 months ago
Score 0++


xoff cannot be added in crontab.

Anonymous user #19

36 months ago
Score 0++

Can you please tell me what the Max size of SSD this setup would support ?



36 months ago
Score 0++


Support Max. 9.8mm thickness 2.5" HDD/SSD, you can choose 7mm or 9.5mm thickness HDD/SSD.

Anonymous user #18

37 months ago
Score 0++
Does the NASPi support Bullseye the current version of Raspbian?


37 months ago
Score 0++


It supports Bullseye ,please refer X-C1 Software

Anonymous user #16

37 months ago
Score 0++
Is there a way to change the boot order? There are times I want to boot from an SD card rather than the internal drive.


37 months ago
Score 0++


This is determined by the Raspberry Pi system. We can't change it.

Anonymous user #17

37 months ago
Score 0++

boot the Raspi to CLI or connect wia ssh. sudo raspi-config 6 Advanced Options

A6 Boot Order

Anonymous user #15

37 months ago
Score 0++
I'm having trouble booting Ubuntu from the SSD. Are there additional steps to get the NASPi booting Ubuntu from a SSD?


37 months ago
Score 0++


Please refer X-C1 Software

Anonymous user #14

38 months ago
Score 0++


Fan is not working. Script is running, CPU temp is 62 while fan is not starting


37 months ago
Score 0++


PWM fans require proper scripting to work. Please refer hereX-C1 Software

Anonymous user #13

39 months ago
Score 0++
Which GPIO pins are wired to the 4 pin switch socket on the X-C1 adapter board? I want to connect a 128x64 OLED display for status monitoring and need to get to the SDA and SCL GPIO pins that were used by the 7 pin GPIO board.


39 months ago
Score 0++

Hi, thanks.

refer to NASPi#X-C1_V1.3_GPIO_Use

Anonymous user #12

39 months ago
Score 0++
The corresponding English blog for Raspberry Pi 4B + NASPi => Search "Build an Awesome Raspberry Pi NAS for Home Media Streaming"

Anonymous user #12

39 months ago
Score 0++
I wrote a Chinese blog for this, search "自己动手使用树莓派搭建家用NAS和流媒体服务器" (with quotes).

Anonymous user #11

41 months ago
Score 0++
Sadly mine only works if I hold the power button, I let go and after 3 seconds it turns off :(


41 months ago
Score 0++
Hi,could you please tell us more information? installed scripts, what operating system to use, and it is better to provide some pictures or videos. Please contact us by email and tell us your order number【】. thanks

Anonymous user #11

41 months ago
Score 0++

I am so sorry, I was SURE the power I was using was enough, I tried another and all was fine :)

Super happy with this case, obviously made with love, two thumbs up :P

Anonymous user #10

41 months ago
Score 0++
Does the NASPI support the X883 dual SSD expansion board?


41 months ago
Score 0++
Hi, NASPI not support the X883 board.

Anonymous user #9

41 months ago
Score 0++
It won't automatically power on after a power failure? Not what you'd expect in a NAS. Is there some magic to make it do that?


41 months ago
Score 0++
Hi,NASPi has a safe shutdown function, but no [Auto Power On ]function. If you need a [Auto Power On ],please refer X735

Anonymous user #8

42 months ago
Score 0++

Just purchased: "Geekworm NASPi 2.5 inch SATA HDD/SSD NAS Storage Kit for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B"

But I received a fan with only two wires. It's 5v but because it's only two wires I can't connect it to the 3 pin fan connector. Please advise, thanks :-)


42 months ago
Score 0++
Hi,could you please tell us your order NO.?[]; You can use the fan temporarily without installing any scripts.just connect directly

Anonymous user #7

42 months ago
Score 0++
Trying to find out if the Naspi case supports auto-power on so that if the power fails it will apply power so the RPi can restart? Eg if a NAS is implemented I want it to run continuously including after power failures.


42 months ago
Score 0++
Hi,Sorry, it does not support auto-power on. Please refer tox825 V2.0 + X735

Anonymous user #6

43 months ago
Score 0++

how do i delete the script to set it back to original?

raspberrypi 4 with retropie, safe shutdown isnt working proper


43 months ago
Score 0++
Hi,After installing the script, please try to restart a few times.


43 months ago
Score 0++
Hi, run the or

Anonymous user #5

44 months ago
Score 0++
Script fails to install correctly, FAN does not run and subsequent boot error using DietPi


44 months ago
Score 0++
Hello,Hello,What system are you using. could you please send some pictures of the operation so that we can find out the problem.【】 ;And tell us your order number. Best regards


43 months ago
Score 0++

We tested it base DietPi, it works nice.

Could you tell me more details?

Anonymous user #4

44 months ago
Score 0++
Is a fuse built into the power circuit?


44 months ago
Score 0++
Hello,No, it doesn't.

Anonymous user #3

44 months ago
Score 0++

Is there enough gap between the front panel and body to sneak a camera ribbon cable out without damage?

If not, i think ill be modifying the case or redesigning a plastic alternative piece. Would you all be interested in linking that in the wiki if i made it?


44 months ago
Score 0++
Hello,The camera ribbon cable out is not currently supported, but we will provide an acrylic front panel as a backup to improve the impact on the wifi signal. and you can modify the acrylic panel to support the camera ribbon cable out. Thanks for your feedback.Best regards

Anonymous user #2

45 months ago
Score 0++
Can the above NASPI case used to run Volumio and the SSD as the file storage. ? And have any review of it running with Volumio ?


45 months ago
Score 0++
Hello,It can run Volumio and SSD, but cannot connect to I2S DAC.

Anonymous user #1

45 months ago
Score 0++
What does the acronym NASPI stand for?


45 months ago
Score 0++
Hello,「NAS」:Network Attached Storage; NASPI is a NUC-style NAS storage solution based on the latest Raspberry Pi 4. Geekworm has many other storage boards:x825,x829,x832,x857,x862,x873etc. You can get more information at the Geekworm store.