Smart Fan and Power Expansion Board
Smart Fan and Power Expansion Board
1. Width voltage input: 6V~14V' With power switch
2. Output: DC 5V 4A with two channel outputs:
OUT1 for external device such as servo, motor, robots, mechanical arm, intelligent card etc. (output interface: HT3.96); Max current is 2A, and can be programming control to on/off; please refer to SAMPLE CODE 1; OUT2 (GPIO output for raspberry pi);Max current is up to 4A if the OUT1 be closed; CAN'T be programming control, it will be output to raspberry pi directly if the switch be turned on;
3. Built-in temperature sensor, with active cooling fan, you can control flexibly the ON/OFF of mini fan via I2C command and GPIO programming. please refer to SAMPLE CODE 2;
4. Support hardware pwm to control fan, please refer to SAMPLE CODE 3;
Temperature range and accuracy
- -25 ℃ ~ + 100 ℃ when the ± 2 ℃
- -55 ℃ ~ +125 ℃ when the ± 3 ℃
5. Cooling Fan can be replaced, please refer to FAN SPECIFICATIONS;
6. Standard HAT size;
Packing List
- 1 x Board;
- 1 x Mini fan (with install screws)
#demonstrates how to control the output of OUT1 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO_PIN = 27 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(GPIO_PIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setwarnings(False) while True: #turn on the power output, LED is on GPIO.output(GPIO_PIN,GPIO.HIGH) print "Turn on the power output" time.sleep(10) #turn off the power output, LED is off GPIO.output(GPIO_PIN,GPIO.LOW) print "Turn off the power output" time.sleep(10)
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Run this sample code, if you can found the out1 led turns on, after 10 seconds, out1 led turns off, in turn.
#coding=utf-8 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import struct import smbus import sys import time import os Sensor_ADDRESS = 0x48 #Set global alert temperature; ALERT_CON_TEMPERATURE = 36 #Set global CPU temperature ALERT_CPU_TEMPERATURE = 70 TEMP_REGISTER = 0 CONF_REGISTER = 1 #THYST_REGISTER = 2 #TOS_REGISTER = 3 #CONF_SHUTDOWN = 0 #CONF_OS_COMP_INT = 1 #CONF_OS_POL = 2 #CONF_OS_F_QUE = 3 GPIO_PIN = 12 g_on = False def regdata2float (regdata): return (regdata / 32.0) / 8.0 def toFah(temp): return (temp * (9.0/5.0)) + 32.0 def setAlertTemp(): g_bus.write_byte_data(Sensor_ADDRESS,TEMP_REGISTER,ALERT_CON_TEMPERATURE) def clearAlert(): g_bus.write_byte_data(Sensor_ADDRESS,CONF_REGISTER,0x00) #Initialize the sensor and others. def init(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(GPIO_PIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setwarnings(False) setAlertTemp() clearAlert() def getTemp(self): #msg = "Reads the temp from the sensor"; raw = g_bus.read_word_data(Sensor_ADDRESS, TEMP_REGISTER) & 0xFFFF raw = ((raw << 8) & 0xFF00) + (raw >> 8) ret = regdata2float(raw) print "Current condition temperature is ", ret, "℃", "[", ALERT_CON_TEMPERATURE,"℃]" return ret def getCPUtemp(): cTemp = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline() ret = float(cTemp.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n","")) print "Current CPU temperature is ", ret, "℃", "[", ALERT_CPU_TEMPERATURE,"℃]" return ret def checkTemperature(): return (getTemp(g_bus) > ALERT_CON_TEMPERATURE) or (getCPUtemp() > ALERT_CPU_TEMPERATURE) def setFan(need_to_open): #turn on the fan global g_on if (g_on and need_to_open) : return if (g_on == False and need_to_open == False) : return if need_to_open : if g_on == False : print "starup fan!" GPIO.output(GPIO_PIN,GPIO.LOW) g_on = True else: if g_on : print "Stop fan!" GPIO.output(GPIO_PIN,GPIO.HIGH) g_on = False g_bus = smbus.SMBus(1) init() while True: print "------------------" print time.strftime("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] ", time.localtime()) setFan(checkTemperature()) time.sleep(3);
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Side length is 30mm;
Thickness is 7mm;
PS: the thickness is not more 8mm;
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