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No change in size, 16:42, 28 October 2021
Please use the following guide if your dip switch is changed to 'Hardware reset' position.
1217. To take a photo with the X630 Module
raspistill -o image.jpg
Here, "image.jpg" is the name of your image that will be saved to your Raspberry Pi
1318. If you need to take second image, then you will need to reboot the Raspberry Pi and execute the "raspistill" again.
sudo reboot
1419. To record a video with the X630 module
raspivid -o video.h264 -t 10000
Here, "video" is the name of your video and "10000" is the number of milliseconds.
1520. If you need to record second video, then you will need to reboot the Raspberry Pi and execute the "raspivid" again.
sudo reboot