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220 bytes added, 18:18, 21 December 2023
==Packing List==
A. This setting is based on the latest Raspberry Pi OS ONLY. Run the command: sudo raspi-config and navigate to Performance Options to set the Fan Temperature. The fan speed is not adjustable.
<div class="floatnone"><a href="/File:PWM-Fan-01.jpg" class="image" title="PWM Fan"><img alt="PWM Fan" src="/images/thumb/f/f0/PWM-Fan-01.jpg/500px-PWM-Fan-01.jpg" decoding="async" width="500" height="389" srcset="/images/thumb/f/f0/PWM-Fan-01.jpg/750px-PWM-Fan-01.jpg 1.5x, /images/thumb/f/f0/PWM-Fan-01.jpg/1000px-PWM-Fan-01.jpg 2x" data-file-width="2839" data-file-height="2207"></a></div>
<summary>Q. What SSD is not supported?</summary>
A. 4TB SAMSUNG SSD is not supported according to the customer feedback. The NASPi can support 4TB HDD.