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630 bytes added, 13:10, 25 October 2021
3. Navigate to ''''Interfacing Options'''' and hit Enter. Now select the ''''Camera'''' option, and hit the Enter key to enable it. Select “Finish” and select to '''reboot''' your Raspberry Pi.
Setting for Software Reset - Starting RASPISTILL or RASPIVID multiple times and no need to reboot Raspberry Pi
sudo reboot
4. Once rebooted, You will need to edit /etc/rc.local to execute CAM GPIO initialization at startup
IMPORTANT PROCEDURE!!! Your X630 cannot work if this is not edited correctly.
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Scroll down, and just before the exit 0 line, enter the following:
echo "509" > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio509/direction
echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio509/value
Save and exit with ctrl + x, followed by y when prompted to save, and then enter.
4. Once rebooted, you need to make sure that the ‘/dev/video0’ device is available. Use this command to check in a terminal window:
ls /dev/video0