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1,229 bytes added, 15 June
<span class="tb_red">[NOTE]: X729 supports Raspberry Pi 5 hardware also</span>
This is script installation tutorial for [[X729]] shield, it will replace [[X729-Software | X729 Software installation tutorial]], although [[X729-Software | X729 Software installation tutorial]] is still available, but we strongly recommend that you use this script tutorial, which and simplifies the installation process and reduces dependencies on third-party python libraries.
Now we think you have successfully flashed the OS Image into Micro SD and and power on the device, and you have also completed the operations such as creating new user required in some OS. You need to perform the following operations in <code>Terminal</code>.
1. Use '''[NOTE]:gpiod'''instead of obsolete interface
12. The script now supports the Raspberry Pi OS '''BOOKWORM''' version. You just need to '''uninstall''' the original script and '''reinstall''' it. Please refer to the following:
OPen ternimal window, then run the following command:
Then just follow the installation process below.
23. Fix fan not working on Raspberry Pi 5 hardware If you are using it on a '''Raspberry Pi 5'''hardware, make the following changes: * Be sure to update the 6.6.22 or more high kernel to version ('''6.6.22uname -a'''.to check kernel version)
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo rpi-update
* Change the <code>PWM_CHIP_PATH</code> to <code>/sys/class/pwm/pwmchip2</code> on line 7 of ''''''
==OS that has been tested==
Save & exit.
sudo reboot
===Install gpiod package===
sudo apt install -y gpiod
===Clone the script===
'''PS''': For some OS such as ''Raspberry Pi OS Lite'', the '''''git''''' tool is not installed by default, if you get an error like ''error: -bash: git: command not found'', please run the following command to install the git tool.
sudo apt install -y git
===Configuring Different GPIO Chip for <span class=""tb_red">Raspberry Pi 5 hardware</span>===
If you are not using Raspberry 5 hardware, skip this step,or run the following command to set differnt chip and pwm number.
sed -i 's/ 0 5 12/ 4 5 12/g' x729-pwr.service
sed -i 's/pwmchip0/pwmchip2/g'
Note that you need to provide a different gpiochip number on Pi 0,1,2,3,4 (0) and Pi 5 (4).
===Create the x729-fan service===
x729-pwr service will be responsible for power management and hardware safe shutdown.
sudo cp -f ./ /usr/local/bin/
sudo cp -f x729-pwr.service /lib/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
===Prepair software shutdown script===
sudo cp -f ./  Then create a '''x729off''' alias command to execture safe shutdown when using '''Raspberry pi 4 hardware''': echo "alias x729off='sudo /usr/local/bin/ '''0''' 26'" >> ~/.bashrcCreate Run the following command to create a alias <code>'x729off</code> ' command to execute the software shutdown<pre>when using '''Raspberry pi 5 hardware''' echo "alias x729off='sudo /usr/local/bin/'''4''' 26'" >> ~/.bashrcRun the following command to make the alias '''x729off''' effective source ~/.bashrc</pre>
Then you can run <code>x729off</code> to execute software shutdown as follows
===Sample Files===
The example programs are only suitable for advanced players, and you can construct your own usage scenarios according to the example programs.
The old example code uses the RPi.GPIO library, which is currently not supported in kernel 6.6.x, so you may encounter an error when running the following code
sudo python3 sample/
Note that you need to provide a different gpiochip number on Pi 0,1,2,3,4 ('''0''') and Pi 5 ('''4''').
We recommend that you change your example program to use the '''libgpiod''' library, and libgpiod is officially recommended, and we also provide ONLY ONE example using the libgpiod library (''''''), which you can run as follows:
sudo python3 sample/
For other example programs that use the RPi.GPIO library, it is recommended that you change to the libgpiod version if it runs incorrectly.
Each example program demonstrates a different function:

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