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CSI Manual on Pi 5

19 bytes removed, 12 April
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Edit /boot/config.txt (sudo permission required).
<pre> sudo nano /boot/config.txt</pre> 
Add the following content:
If your modules (C790) support audio, add the following content to enable audio support.
<pre> dtoverlay=tc358743-audio
Reboot the Raspberry Pi and execute the following command to find the media node corresponding to the CSI as media0, under the rp1-cfe (platform: 1f00128000.csi) field:
On a Windows computer, you can use software like 7yuv to view .yuv files. For the tutorial with an input format of 19201080, you should select BGR888 in the top right corner of 7yuv and set the resolution to 19201080 to view the two frames you just captured.
Return to [[C790]]
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