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162 bytes added, 11:35, 27 December 2021
#The sample command to recode a video without audio. (C779 doesn't support audio <ref name="note1"/>)
gst-launch-1.0 -vvv v4l2src ! "video/x-raw,'''<span style="color:red;">framerate=30/1</span>''',format=UYVY" ! v4l2h264enc extra-controls="controls,h264_profile=4,h264_level=13,video_bitrate=256000;" ! "video/x-h264,profile=high, level=(string)4.2" ! h264parse ! queue ! matroskamux name=mux ! filesink location=foo.mkv
Press CTRL+C to end recording.
PS: Please modify the above '''<span style="color:red;">framerate</span>''' parameter to the actual frame rate of your HDMI signal, the actual frame rate value is from the result of ''''v4l2-ctl --query-dv-timings'''' command.
For the above HDMI device, because the frame rate is 60, so we modify the framerate parameter to 60 like the followint command.
gst-launch-1.0 -vvv v4l2src ! "video/x-raw,'''<span style="color:red;">framerate=60/1</span>''',format=UYVY" ! v4l2h264enc extra-controls="controls,h264_profile=4,h264_level=13,video_bitrate=256000;" ! "video/x-h264,profile=high, level=(string)4.2" ! h264parse ! queue ! matroskamux name=mux ! filesink location=foo.mkv