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8 bytes added, 09:50, 1 July 2021
1、edit / boot / config.txt, and add the line to the end of the file. Sudo is required.
''' dtoverlay=tc358743'''
2、Use "dmesg | grep CMA" to check the amount of memory allocated to the CMA heap.
'''pi@raspberrypi:~ $ dmesg | grep cma'''
''' output: [ 0.000000] cma: Reserved 256 MiB at 0x000000001ec00000'''
If the report has less than 96MB of files assigned to CMA, edit / boot / config.txt and add.
''' dtoverlay=cma,cma-128'''
3、Restart raspberry pi. sudo reboot If all goes well, you should get a '''/ dev / video0 ''' device.Using "arecord - L" will tell you whether the sound card of tc358743 is loaded correctly. sudo arecord - L
==Use raspistill to take photos==

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