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Rpi UPSPack

Rpi UPSPack
Rpi UPSPack
Rpi UPSPack


  • Support charge while discharge, it will not affect the output of UPS power supply when external power outage.
  • Two power modes: Outdoor portable model and Indoor UPS power supply mode:
  • As an outdoor portable power supply, the motherboard is powered by a lithium battery, and the maximum external power supply capacity is 5.1V, 2.5A.
  • As an indoor UPS power supply mode: MicroUSB plugs into a normal 5V,2A power adapter, and the external output interface(USB-A interface) can output a maximum of 5.1A, 3A
  • 4+2LED to shows charger and discharger, battery power status
  • Protect function, The external output port has a self-recovery fuse to prevent the raspberry pi from being burnt due to an external short circuit.
  • Two output modes, except for the regular output via USB port. At high currents, such as for high loads above 2.5A, the voltage drop across the USB cable is a problem that cannot be ignored. Therefore, we provide a 2.54mm header, which is welded at the Raspberry Pi GPIO 5V interface for direct power supply, to minimize the cable damaged and pressure drop.

UPS Hat Specification

  • Size: 8.5cm x 5.5cm x 0.9cm
  • Weight: 35g

Raspberry Pi UPS Hat 01.jpg Raspberry Pi UPS Hat 02.jpg Raspberry Pi UPS Hat 03.jpg Raspberry Pi UPS Hat 04.jpg Raspberry Pi UPS Hat 05.jpg

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Anonymous user #15

25 months ago
Score 0++

Hello , I am now the proud owner of UPSPACK_V2 & it works well :-) I have a question - my ups is connected to a raspberry with the UPS connected via a standard 5V Rpi transformer. If I have a power-cut the battery takes over & keeps the Pi alive until the battery runs out or the power is restored.In the power-cut situation a shutdown is done to protect the RPi if the battery is discharged , BUT when the external power comes back it seems that the RPi cannot restart even if the UPS is still charging. Normally if a RPi is stopped & power is disconnected & reconnected it restarts. Is there a way to do this with the UPS ? It looks like the PMU has detected a discharge voltage < 2.8V & even if external power comes back it stays in this "locked" state until the UPS is disconnected & reconnected which is impossible to do if the system is in a remote location.I would like the UPS to restart automatically . Is there any possible solution ? Yous help would be most appreciated Thank you

Nick Smith

Anonymous user #12

52 months ago
Score 0++

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo python3 /home/pi/UPSPACK_V3/UPS_GUI_py/UPS_GUI_demo.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/UPSPACK_V3/UPS_GUI_py/UPS_GUI_demo.py", line 69, in <module> window = tk.Tk() File "/usr/lib/python3.7/tkinter/__init__.py", line 2023, in __init__ self.tk = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)

_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable

Anonymous user #12

52 months ago
Score 0++

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo python3 /home/pi/UPSPACK_V3/UPS_GUI_py/UPS_GUI_demo.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/UPSPACK_V3/UPS_GUI_py/UPS_GUI_demo.py", line 69, in <module> window = tk.Tk() File "/usr/lib/python3.7/tkinter/__init__.py", line 2023, in __init__ self.tk = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)

_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable

Anonymous user #10

64 months ago
Score 0++
Can this be used in Arduino?

Anonymous user #9

64 months ago
Score 0++
Must be blind I couldn't find the installer in the Zip file, tried cloning it with no success either. Took new approach and wrote my own in python, but not as stable as I would like it to be. Hope someone either post working code to shutdown on a low battery or english instruction are available sometime soon.

Anonymous user #8

66 months ago
Score 0++

fixed the error below. I changed a line in UPS_Guid_demo.py to: test = UPS2("/dev/serial0") then ran it as sudo.

I'd still like some instructions in english though please...i'd like to encompass battery monitoring functionality in my c++ project. I can probably work it out by following the python code, but i'd rather some proper instructions if there any available.

Anonymous user #14

26 months ago
Score 0++
Thank you! This saved me after hours of frustration!

Anonymous user #8

66 months ago
Score 0++

Any english instructions for the python code for version 2 please? i've connected the wires as shown in the image, but I get the error below. It's a pi3b+, running the latest noobs, all updated.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "UPS_GUI_demo.py", line 79, in <module> version,vin,batcap,vout = test.decode_uart() File "/home/pi/dev/UPSPACK_V2/GUI_py/upspackv2.py", line 22, in decode_uart self.uart_string = self.get_data(100) File "/home/pi/dev/UPSPACK_V2/GUI_py/upspackv2.py", line 15, in get_data self.count = self.ser.inWaiting() File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/serial/serialutil.py", line 590, in inWaiting return self.in_waiting File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 467, in in_waiting s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCINQ, TIOCM_zero_str)

OSError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device

Anonymous user #7

71 months ago
Score 0++

New UPSPACK coming : (with python program to monitor the battery)


Anonymous user #6

73 months ago
Score 0++

Hello! I have a problem: 1- Feed the UPS and connect a Raspberry Pi. Everything works and indicates that the battery is charging (red LED flashes) - OK. 2- After a while, the red led stays fixed (battery charged) - OK. 3- After, the battery begins to discharge, but the red LED remains fixed and the charging is no longer started, so the battery is completely discharged and the Raspberry Pi stops - KO. All this with the 5V power supply (micro USB) permanently connected to the UPS. I can only avoid this if, when the battery is being discharged, I disconnect the 5V power supply (micro USB), wait for the red LED to turn off, and turn it on again. I think that in point 3, it should automatically start charging the battery again, right?

Thanks and best regards


73 months ago
Score 0++

Hello friend, For the PONIT 3:3- After, the battery begins to discharge, but the red LED remains fixed and the charging is no longer started, so the battery is completely discharged and the Raspberry Pi stops - KO. How do you connect each device? Please contact us by support@geekworm.com to send some photos or video to us for us to check the detaild. You know, sometimes it is hard to show the problem by wrods. Thank you! Best regards,


Anonymous user #11

52 months ago
Score 0++

The issue was solved? I've the same problem with RPI 3b+.

Charger on but afterpp1 day and half... all shutdown with the battery empty :-(

Anonymous user #13

29 months ago
Score 0++

I have the same problem. My ups version 3p.

Did you solve the problem?

Anonymous user #4

75 months ago
Score 0++

Thank for this product and nice wiki page. Love mine :-)

Just a question : any way to monitor UPS battery status from PI OS ?

Anonymous user #5

75 months ago
Score 0++

Hi sir, Sorry that it can't monitor UPS battery status from PI OS. But it has 4+2LED to shows charger and discharger, battery power status.

Best regards,

Geekworm Store

Anonymous user #3

75 months ago
Score 0++
Can i know where i can by this from? and does is it similar to "http://www.r...PS_HAT_Board"?


75 months ago
Score 0++

Hello sir, You can order the Raspberry Pi UPS Pack board from Geekworm Official Website: https://geek...ansion-board And it has some difference, you can check the details by compare them. If any more questions, please contact us. Best regards,


Anonymous user #2

76 months ago
Score 0++

Hi, I want to export all leds, do you have a datasheet about these leds? (power/charge/level batt)

Best regards


75 months ago
Score 0++

Hello sir, Sorry, we do not have the datasheet, these led on the board has power led and 4 battery voltage led, they marked clearly on the photo above, please have a look. Best regards,


Anonymous user #1

76 months ago
Score 0++

A board has failed, it is possible to have the schematic for the repair.



76 months ago
Score 0++

Hello sir, Sorry, we can not provide the schematic, all the information are on the wiki page, please check. Best regards,



76 months ago
Score 0++

Hello sir, We get your email, and we help you check it, the capacitor is MLCC 47uF, package1206 47uF, and Withstand voltage 16V+ is ok. Best regards,
