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==For Raspbian==The following test <big>Although this installation tutorial is base on '2020still available, but we strongly recommend that you use [[X708-02-13-raspbian-busterscript]] new tutorial, and we no longer maintain this page.img'</big>
Python version: V2.7
1==For Raspberry Pi OS==*Test is base on '2022-04-04-raspios-buster-armhf.img' and x708 v2.0 on Apr. Enable I2C funcion 27th, 2022;*Testing is base on Raspbian:'2022-01-28-raspios-bullseye-armhf.img' on Feb. 28th, 2022;
1. Enable I2C funcion on Raspbian; Please refer to [[How to enable I2C]] 2. Install Updatesoftware and install necessary software (python and i2c tool library) sudo apt-get update #sudo apt-get install python-smbus sudo apt-get install python3-smbus python3-rpi.gpio
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
3. Check if the i2c of the X708 is connected correctly
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- 36 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
‘36' is the address of the battery fuel gauging chip, and 36 is a hexadecimal number
If you can't find i2c address 36, it means the X708 is not connected properly, or your raspberry pi board is broken.
3.1. Download x708 setup scripts:
cd ~
git clone
This command will download the script installation file for X708
34. Download x708 setup scripts: git clone cd x708 chmod +x install.shInstall the script for power management
4.1 Enters the corresponding operating system scripts folder (raspberry-pi-os)
cd ~/x708v2/raspberry-pi-os/
4. Install 2 Execute the installation script&reboot:. sudo bash printf "%s\n" "alias x708off='sudo'" >> ~/.bashrc sudo reboot
6. How to reading battery voltage and percentage, this is the sample code, you can modify it by your requestThis command will generate 2 power management script files as follows:*/etc/ sudo python x708bat*/usr/local/bin/x708softsd.pysh
4.3 Create an alias x708off so that we can perform software shutdown from the command line, you can also change x708off to any name you like
printf "%s\n" "alias x708off='sudo'" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo reboot
Or force press the button of x708 for 8 seconds to shut down and then restart
74. How to power off 4 Test software shutdown from command on Raspbian from softwareline after restart.
84. Testing AC power off/loss 5 Press on-board button or external switch to test hardware safe shutdown Press the switch for about 3 seconds until the power adapter failure detection (need indicator flashes to shor the execute hardware safe shutdown.'''[NOTE]''PLD' pin): sudo python x708pld* After shutdown, press the onboard switch or external switch to turn on.* If your test fails, it means that your installation failed, or the software environment is incorrect, please check whether you have installed the corresponding software
5. How to reading battery voltage and percentage, this is the sample code, you can modify it by your request.
cd ~/x708v2/raspberry-pi-os/
sudo python3
Voltage: 4.18V
Battery: 100%
Battery FULL
Voltage: 4.17V
Battery: 100%
Battery FULL
Voltage: 4.18V
Battery: 100%
Battery FULL
Voltage: 4.17V
Battery: 100%
Battery FULL
9. How to programming * In generally, you need to let the X708 fully charge and discharge several times before you can get ASD more accurate voltage and power values.* This script can also perform safe shutdown at specified voltage threshold (default voltage threshold is 3.00vdc), you can also modify this voltage threshold, '''but the voltage threshold range must be 2.5~4.1vdc'''. 6. Testing AC power off/loss or power adapter failure detection (PLD function on V1) cd ~/x708v2/raspberry-pi-os/ sudo python3 pld.2 versionpy
The following is fake C/C++ code:
while( 1) {.Make sure your power adapter is connected // You need 2.Disconnect and then connect the power adapter again to implement getCurrentVoltage functiontest float fVoltage = getCurrentVoltage(); 3.When power adapter disconnected, you will see: AC Power Loss or Power Adapter Failure if (fVoltage <= 2 4.5) {When power adapter reconnected, you will see: AC Power OK, Power Adapter OK //execute shut down command Testing Started---AC Power Loss OR Power Adapter Failure--- ---AC Power OK, "sudo x708off"Power Adapter OK--- break; ---AC Power Loss OR Power Adapter Failure--- }} ---AC Power OK,Power Adapter OK---
107. Test Auto shutdown when AC power loss or power adapter failure cd ~/x708v2/raspberry-pi-os/ sudo python3 Testing Started---AC Power Loss OR Power Adapter Failure--- Shutdown in 5 seconds Connection closing...Socket close.In fact, you can refer to this example code to implement your own shutdown logic. . . This requires you to have some python programming foundation. 8. Advanced use of speed regulation for non-pwm fans The X708 hardware supports two fan speeds: low speed (default) and high speed; if you want the fan to run at high speed, you need to run the script. cd ~/x708v2/raspberry-pi-os/ python3 provides a method that can switch the fan speed. It should be noted that the x708 does not use a PWM fan, it only supports two speed modes (low speed and high speed). In the file, the speed mode of the fan is controlled by reading the temperature of the CPU in real time. You need to read the code to understand more logic. You can control the fan running at high speed or low speed via modify the CPU temperature threshold in script file (yellow highlight line)‎<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line highlight="9-11">#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocessimport time from gpiozero import OutputDevice  ON_THRESHOLD = 55 # (degrees Celsius) Fan running at high speed at this temperature.OFF_THRESHOLD = 50 # (degress Celsius) Fan running at low speed at this temperature.SLEEP_INTERVAL = 5 # (seconds) How often we check the core temperature.GPIO_PIN = 16 # Which GPIO pin you're using to control the fan. DON'T change it!  def get_temp(): """Get the core temperature. Run a shell script to get the core temp and parse the output.</syntaxhighlight> '''[PS]''' * If you can't understand, please ignore this step. Because the X708 fan will run at low speed by default, this cooling capacity is sufficient.* If you have full control over the runing of the fan, you need to run 'python3 /home/pi/x708v2/raspberry-pi-os/', and you need to create a crontab job also, and then put this run command ('@reboot python3 /home/XX/x708v2/raspberry-pi-os/ 'XX' is your username, you need replace it with your username.') into the job, so that the command will run automatically when the device restarts. refer to [[X708-Software#FAQ]] 9. Uninstall .cd ~/x708v2/raspberry-pi-os/ sudo bash 10. About '''AUTO ON''' After shutting down, you need to wait about 60 seconds until the battery capacity indicator of X708 goes out, otherwise the AUTO ON function may be invalid. Because the charge remaining in the power adapter may affect the AUTO ON function.
== For Ubuntu==
3. Install necessary software
sudo apt install git python python3 python3-smbus python3-rpi.gpio python-rpi.gpio wiringpi -y
4.Download x708 setup scripts:
chmod +x *.sh
sudo bash
sudo reboot
5. How to reading battery voltage and percentage, this is the sample code, you can modify it by your request.
sudo python3
6. How to power off command on ubuntu from software x708off * press button 1-2 seconds to reboot * press button 3 seconds to safe shutdown, * press 7-8 seconds to force shutdown. 7. Testing AC power off/loss or power adapter failure detection (need to shor the 'PLD' pin)  sudo python3 8. Uninstall ./ ==FAQ==Q1: How to make a script run automatically after boot? A: Refer to [[How to add crontab job]] 
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