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6,827 bytes added, 20 March
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This is script installation tutorial for [[X735]] v2.5 & v3.0, it will replace [[X735 Software | X735 Software installation tutorial]], although [[X735 Software | X735 Software installation tutorial]] is still available, but we strongly recommend that you use this script tutorial, which simplifies the installation process and reduces dependencies on third-party python libraries.

The core shell script of [[X735-script]] comes from from [ pimlie/geekworm-x-c1], pimlie implements the pwm fan shell script, which does not depend on third-party python libraries at all. Thanks to pimlie.

Now we think you have successfully flashed the OS Image into Micro SD and and power on the device, and you have also completed the operations such as creating new user required in some OS. You need to perform the following operations in <code>Terminal</code>.


If you are using an '''ubuntu''' system, '''DO NOT''' use version '''ubuntu 23.04''', otherwise you will get an error similar to the following when you run '''x735off''':
/usr/local/bin/ line 5: /sys/class/gpio/export: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin/ line 6: /sys/class/gpio/gpio20/direction: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin/ line 7: /sys/class/gpio/gpio20/value: No such file or directory
Your device will shutting down in 4 seconds...
/usr/local/bin/ line 19: /sys/class/gpio/gpio20/value: No such file or directory

'''Resolved'''! Please delete the old installation folder and re-install it by the following guide.

'''PS''': This issure is be fiexed, please refer to

==OS that has been tested==
* Raspbian
* DietPi
* Manjaro
* Ubuntu
* myNode
* Umbrel
* Volumio
* RetroPie
* Twister

===Preconfigured <code>config.txt</code>===
To install pwm fan, first add <code>dtoverlay=pwm-2chan,pin2=13,func2=4</code> to <code>/boot/firmware/config.txt</code> under [all] or the end of file and <code>reboot</code>:
sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
Save & exit.
sudo reboot

===Clone the script===
Clone pruduct software script
git clone
cd x735-script
chmod +x *.sh
'''PS''': For some OS such as ''Raspberry Pi OS Lite'', the '''''git''''' tool is not installed by default, if you get an error like ''error: -bash: git: command not found'', please run the following command to install the git tool.
sudo apt install -y git
2. Download xGPIO tool
After the download is successful, there will be two files xGPIO_pwr and xGPIO_soft in the current directory.

===Create the x735-fan service===
x735-fan service is for pwm fan, the pwm fan will automatically adjust the runing speed according to the temperature of the cpu after the service is started.

Run the following command to install fan service script;
Then the pwm fan starts running.

===Create the x735-pwr service===
If you are using <span class="tb_red">ubuntu verson 23.04</span> or more high version, please run the following command:
OR run the following command to install power management script;

==Prepair software shutdown script==
If you are using <span class="tb_red">ubuntu verson 23.04</span> or more high version, please run the following command:
OR, Run the following command to install software shutdown script (sss),

After the installation is complete, an <code>x735xoff</code> command will be created to shut down the software.Then you can run <code>x735xoff</code> to execute software shutdown.

Run the following command to uninstall all.

===Test safe shutdown===
'''Software safe shutdown command''':
<span class="tb_red">DON'T run the 'shutdown' linux command to shut down, otherwise the power of x735 shield will not be shut down.</span>

'''Hardware safe shutdown operation''':

You can verify the safety switch through the onboard switch, press and hold the switch for <code>3</code> seconds, then the blue LED will flash slowly and the shutdown is going then all LEDs will be off until the device is completely powered off.
* press on-board button switch <code>1-2</code> seconds to reboot
* press button switch <code>3</code> seconds to safe shutdown,
* press <code>7-8</code> seconds to force shutdown.

===Read fan speed===
<code></code> is a sample python file on how to read the speed of the pwm fan. Run the following command to get the speed of the fan:
cd ~x735-script
sudo python3

This `` python file depends on the third-party python library `Rpi.GPIO`. In the official Raspberry Pi OS and most third-party OS, this library is installed by default. If you run this file and get some errors, try to run the following command to install the Rpi.GPIOy library.
sudo apt-get install -y python3-smbus python3-rpi.gpio

Or you can refer to [[How to Install RPi.GPIO Python Library]]

<code></code> is no longer used, and are reserved here for research and use by python lovers only.
If you have some questions or suggestions, please contact to <span class="tb_red"></span>

<summary>Q: How to login <b>volumio</b> via SSH?</summary>
<p>1. Enable SSH:</p>
<p>Visit http://volumio.local/dev/, then click <b>ENABLE SSH</b> button</p>
<p>2. URL connection is IP address, and the default user name is <b>volumio</b>, default password is <b>volumio</b></p>

<summary>Q: How to login to <b>Umbrel</b> via SSH?</summary>
A: ssh umbrel@umbrel.local (or ssh umbrel@<IP address of your Umbrel>). the default user name is <b>umbrel</b>, default password is <b>moneyprintergobrrr</b>

<summary>Q: How to login to <b>myNode</b> via SSH?</summary>

A: URL connection is IP address, and the default user name is <b>admin</b>, default password is <b>bolt</b>

<summary>Q: How to login to <b>DietPi</b> via SSH?</summary>

A: URL connection is IP address, and the default user name is <b>root</b>, default password is <b>dietpi</b>

<summary>Q: Is <b>LibreELEC</b> supported?</summary>



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