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How to Format and Mount the HDD/SSD on Raspberry Pi

752 bytes added, 01:15, 8 December 2023
- Once you know this, you have everything you need to move forward.
If you are not sure which one is your drive, the disk size may help you select the correct one (7.5G in my above case). My SD card is 32G and is always identified as /dev/mmcblk0  '''Mount the drive''' Now that you know the device and partition name, use the following procedure to mount it: - Create a new folder in /media. We’ll mount the USB drive in this folder, but you need to create it before: pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo mkdir /media/usb - Mount the drive to this place with this simple command: pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb -o umask=000Don’t forget to replace parameters if needed. The syntax is “mount [PARTITION] [FOLDER]”. The -o allows you to add extra options. PS: You can get more information about the use of the mount command from the Internet '''Automatic mount on boot'''As you’ll quickly see, you need to use the mount command each time you reboot your Raspberry Pi.  

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