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1,751 bytes added, 12:30, 21 November 2022
[[File:Panel-Connection.jpg|700px|PC Panel]]
==User ManualFAQ=='''Q. I want to control several pc power. Is it possible with one PiKVM-A3 and several x630-a5''' A. No, one kit can only control one pc.  '''Q. There is a I2S Audio In on X630-A3, does the packing list contain an I2S cable? How to connect it?''' A. No contain an I2S cable.  PiKVM OS does not support I2S, so it cannot be used yet. The 10pin SH1.0 connector is for '''future''' I2S HDMI audio support. Once it supported, we will update the product information for detail use.  '''Q: How to login?''' A: Input the XX.XX.XX.XX ip address on the explorer, then input user: admin, the default password is 'admin' also.  '''Q: How to switch root user?''' A: su root #default password is root also  '''Q: How to enable OLED?''' A: Run the following command to enable OLED display: rw systemctl enable --now kvmd-oled ro  '''Q: Why OLED is not display?''' A: Please confirm that your OS is right: [[File:Pi4-V3-HAT.png|800px]]   '''Q: How to enable RTC?''' A: Firstly, insert the C1220 button the following command: rw sudo nano /boot/config.txt #Then change the line: '''dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,pcf8563''' to '''dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,ds1307''' #Test RTC #Display the current time of the Raspberry Pi date #Write the time of Raspberry Pi to DS1307 sudo hwclock -w #Read the time of DS1307 sudo hwclock -r ro  '''Q: Why PiKVM-A3/A4 does not show the video?''' A:* Double-check that the video capture device is connected correctly and tightly. For the CSI bridge, this should be exactly the camera port;* Some laptops do not output any signal until you switch the output (usually via the FN + and an F5 key on the keyboard).* Your computer may have turned on sleep mode for the monitor. Move the mouse to turn it off. 
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