RPi Wide Angle Camera Module OV5647

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RPi Wide Angle Camera Module OV5647
RPi Wide Angle Camera Module OV5647
RPi Wide Angle Camera Module OV5647


RPI Wide Angle Camera Module OV5647 is a low-cost Fisheye Lens, wider Field View,Camera module, designed for Raspberry Pi3 B+/PI3/PI2/PI B+/PI A/PI ZERO

The RPI Wide Angle Camera Module OV5647 has a 5 MPixel sensor, and connects via a ribbon cable to the CSI connector on the Raspberry Pi. The video and still image quality is better than a USB webcam of similar price.The board is the same 39 x 39 mm size.



  • Raspberry Pi Camera, supports all revisions of the Pi
  • Fisheye Lens, offers wider field of view

Remark:Lens can be replaced According to different application scenarios)

LENS Features

  • Lens Seat Spacing:22mm
  • F/NO :2.2
  • FIELD OFVIEW: D=148° H=118°
  • TV DISTORTION: <-17%
  • Element:4G+IR
  • CRA:10°
  • Relative Illumination: 52%
  • Sensor type: OmniVision OV5647[6] Color CMOS QSXGA (5-megapixel)
  • Sensor size: 3.67 x 2.74 mm (1/4" format)
  • Pixel Count: 2592 x 1944
  • Pixel Size: 1.4 x 1.4 um
  • Video: 1080p at 30 fps with codec H.264 (AVC)
  • Up to 90 fps Video at VGA
  • Board size: 39 x 39 mm (not including flex cable)
  • Mounting Holes: 4x D=2.20 mm1

Hardware connection

Please note that camera modules are static-sensitive. Earth yourself prior to handling the PCB: a sink tap/faucet or similar should suffice if you don’t have an earthing strap.

The camera board attaches to the Raspberry Pi via a 15-pin ribbon cable. There are only two connections to make: the ribbon cable need to be attached to the camera PCB and the Raspberry Pi itself.

You need to get it the right way round, or the camera will not work. On the camera PCB, the blue backing on the cable should be facing away from the PCB, and on the Raspberry Pi it should be facing towards the Ethernet connection (or where the Ethernet connector would be if you are using a model A). Although the connectors on the PCB and the Pi are different, they work in a similar way. On the Raspberry Pi, pull up the tabs on each end of the connector. It should slide up easily, and be able to pivot around slightly. Fully insert the ribbon cable into the slot, ensuring it is straight, then gently press down the tabs to clip it into place. The camera PCB itself also requires you to pull the tabs away from the board, gently insert the cable, then push the tabs back. The PCB connector is a little more awkward than the one on the Pi itself.


Software Installation

Update & upgrade on the console;

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Enable camera support (Please follow the on-screen instructions)

sudo raspi-config

Test that the system is installed and working

raspistill -v -o test.jpg

The display should show a 5-second preview from the camera and then take a picture,saved to the file test.jpg, while displaying various informational messages.

Packing List

  • 1 x Camera Mudule



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